ISBN-13: 978-1-945628-50-4
# pages: 412
Copyright Year: 2018
Suggested Retail: $94.95
This multidisciplinary, multicultural textbook covers child development from
the prenatal stage to adolescence. The unique features of this book are its
research content and its discussion of important theories, providing a global
and universal view of human development, stability, and plasticity. The readers
get a firsthand look at how development is viewed across the globe and how
globalization has impacted children and child-rearing practices. Furthermore,
the practical aspect of theory to application makes this book user friendly
and, as well, highlights the fact that the content can be used in everyday
life. This perspective gives students a different view of textbooks and how
they can be used outside of the academic realm and in society at large. The
authors hope that the content of this book is not only educational,
informational, and useful to students, but also useful to various echelons of
society and in a variety of applications.
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Table of Contents
About the Authors
Chapter 1: Introduction to Childhood and Adolescence
Chapter 2: Research Methods: Research Design & Methodology
Chapter 3: Grand Theories and Theoretical Approaches
Chapter 4: Prenatal Development
Chapter 5: Infant and Toddler: Physical Development
Chapter 6: Infant and Toddler: Cognitive Development
Chapter 7: Infant and Toddler: Psychosocial Development
Chapter 8: Preschool and Play Years: Physical Development
Chapter 9: Preschool and Play Years: Cognitive Development
Chapter 10: Preschool and Play Years: Social Development
Chapter 11: School-Age Years: Physcial, Psychological, and Cognitive Development
Chapter 12: School-Age Years: Social and Cultural Development
Chapter 13: Adolescents: Physcial and Cognitive Development
Chapter 14: Adolescents: Social and Culture Development
Chapter 15: Problems in Adolescence
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Special Notes
Ancillary package (test bank and powerpoints) are available! Simply email and the files will be emailed to you within 24 hours.
About the Author(s): Jafari et al
Dr. Nicole Jafari is a faculty member in the College of Liberal Arts, Department of Human Development at the California State University, Long Beach. She also teaches at the University of California, Fullerton in the department of Child and Adolescent Studies. Her research interests are in the area of cross-cultural and multidisciplinary subjects from prenatal through late adulthood, the applicacation of scientific theories, and the association between social studies and spiritual growth. Dr. Jafari has also authored and coauthored several publications on child and adolescent studies, human plasticity and stability, and other related topics. In the past few years, she has been focused on research studies related to social issues in Iran. In addition to advocacy, she is a public speaker on matters related to chilidren and youth in today's multicultural and multicontextual environment.
Cynthia A. S. Donham, PhD, currently teaches full time at California State University at Long Beach in the Human Development and Sociology Departments. She received her doctorate and master's from University of California at Irvine in Social Relations and received her bachelor's from University of California at Davis majoring in a combination of Cultural Anthropology and Studio Art. She has particular interests in adolescent and early adulthood problems from a multicultural perspective, as well as expertise in Social Gerontology and the Elderly Deaf subculture. Cynthia also facilitates workshops on social and cultural issues for businesses and community organizations.
Erylene Piper-Mandy, PhD, is currently teaching full time at California State Unviersity , Long Beach, in the departments of Human Development and Comparative World Literature. A psychological anthropologist who specializes in cross-cultural competence and American ethnicity, she received a B.A. in African American Studies and a B.S. in Psychology from Vassar College in New York. She continued her studies at Boston University's African American Studies program, where she received a master's. She completed her education at the University of California, Irvine, where she has received a master's and a PhD in psychocultural anthropology. She has been the recipient of numerous awards and fellowships, including the prestigious Fulbright Fellowship, through which she worked and studied in Senegal, West Africa. A dynamic, engaging and powerful speaker, she has given presentations and taught seminars in over 100 institutions and agencies.