The Editors at Kona Publishing & Media Group seek to partner with the most innovative, creative, and accomplished authors and educators in higher education today. Kona proudly develops and delivers content that is academically sound, well researched, classroom tested, and distinctive.

At Kona, we believe that adopters and end users of our content should have the ability to choose the content delivery method that is most suitable to their teaching and learning styles and needs. Kona delivers superior content through the following delivery methods:

  • Print (texts, supplemental texts, laboratory manuals, readers, workbooks, study guides)
  • Ebooks/Ibooks
  • Online
  • Mobile Devices

Kona is very selective in the authors with whom we choose to work because we are interested in disrupting and revolutionizing the higher education publishing marketplace.  We choose to partner with the most ingenious minds in higher education because our goal is to blaze a new trail in the academic publishing industry and not to simply choose the path that other publishers have traveled. 

If you believe that you have a philosophy, approach, or idea for a text or digital product that is unique and inventive, please click on the PUBLISH WITH US box below. We will have one of our Editors contact you to learn more about your ideas and to discuss the publishing process at Kona Publishing & Media Group.

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